Saturday, May 19, 2012

Porter Park

Jude and I returned home from Rexburg on Wednesday, but I'm just getting around to posting about our trip. 
One of my favorite things to do while going to school at BYU-Idaho was to grab a snow cone with my girlies--or just Adam--and go to the local park. Goooood memories at that park. Lots of tanning half-naked as a single lady (and getting yelled at for it, whatever), splash park splashing, food eating, and story telling. Rexburg really is a beautiful place, and I got tears in my eyes when we left, which was either due to being emotionally compromised or the 0% humidity. 
Here's Jude's second time at the park, but first time living it up!

Today we're going to find a new TV stand/bookcases/whatever we can get for a good deal and eat donuts. 
Happy Saturday!


  1. oh my gosh i miss porter park so much! i once went tanning there in my tube top and got a lot of dirty looks. but i seriously needed to even out my arms for hula dancing duh. and i miss living in a town where there are 12 different sno shacks. we need to take everton to porter park one day.

  2. Anyone I talk to who went to BYU-Idaho-LOVED it. Did you go to visit friends/family? Sounds fun! He is growing so fast:)


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