Thursday, October 6, 2011


Since I've been off from work from Wednesday until Monday, I've been able to enjoy some time together with my men. 
Over these rainy days I've been sipping mug-after-mug
of Pero--Jude, water from his very first sippy cup...which
he chokes on most of the time. 
We also purchased our first block of solid

And we also bought a ridiculous amount of groceries
at a grocery outlet store for under $100!
Our pantry and fridge are so full that sometimes
I go into the kitchen just to look at our
stocked shelves in wondrous awe. 

Jude's two bottom teeth (teefers) are out.
And there's been a lot of green bean eating. And sleeping
with our tongues out. 
Also, these two lovelies and I went out to
lunch for some Panera paninis and soup.
It's been a great, great couple of days.
p.s. I am officially in full-swing with my fall sweaters,
tights, boots, and jackets. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Got some free clothes you want me to wear for some reason?
Send them my way.

Lastly, we FINALLY caught Jude doing his full-out laugh. It's the.
best. thing. ever. 


  1. Man that kid looks more and more like you!(besides the huge leg and belly thing he has going.) Love him!!!

  2. oh my gosh i can't believe jude has teeth now!! and i love jude's giggles! his hair looks so dark in the video.

  3. *cheers* to Pero!! (i really do wish we lived close enough to enjoy a couple mugs together and clink them with a cheesy toast to follow. heehee) I just enjoyed a mug of Pero yesterday with popcorn (perfect snack combo:)

    That's awesome you got so much for so little! yay for being bargain shoppers!

    Jude's little pearly whites are so cute! Hope he's handling them coming in well :)

    And that video!! We have too more things in common: Our little men are both insanely distracted by technology! And our baby daddies are pretty hilarious to our little men ;) Glad you got that adorable laugh recorded!!


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