Again, it was a wonderful trip, so-much-so that we both left at least 5 lbs. heavier, and Jude went ahead and lost his neck there for a couple of weeks--totally worth it.
Suffice it to say, I'm a total sucker for people making me food. HOW I didn't end up morbidly obese after growing up under the Burwell household--where is was always a good time to eat pizza and 'twas never acceptable to have leftovers-- is truly a miracle. I suppose running around a grassy field with a cane-shaped stick and small bocce ball had something to do with it.
Oh and also, you would've thought we were torturing the kid trying to get him to open his presents. Which is why there isn't one picture to document that we actually got Jude something. All he wanted was Mr. Potato Head's tongue and something to hit the dogs with.
In summary: Jude got lots of cars. Adam got a tweed blazer. And Britney got an elliptical. Which has yet to be purchased. Honestly, I think my present is NOT having that piece of machinery mocking me from the corner while I scarf down a brownie.

Hope all of you are still working on your resolutions! I'm killing it with my goal to eat more chocolate. I just keeping getting one more Hershey Kiss closer to reaching my goals..
Haha - I totally did my Christmas post today too - lol
ReplyDeleteAnd I love that you watch New Girl :)
I had to laugh a little at your description of Jude being anti-presents and pro-potato head tongue. ;) I tell ya, kids are crazy...Brooks was the same way two Christmases ago. But goodness, Jude sure is cute with his wet hair, drinking his milk, and reading that book with your sister. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd now I'm craving donuts and New Girl, and I want to be enjoying both with NY. :) That was a lot. But the heart wants what it wants.
Glad you had such a fun time back East with your family!
New years was a blast! and that PIZZA. YUM. you are hot